NOIRVEMBER Day 9 – Film Noir Fashion Photoshoots

Noirvember Day 9Another day, another Noirvember post! Let me give you a little spoiler of the things to come later this month. Apart from movies, I am going to write about inspirations behind film noir and inspirations from film noir. I already talked a bit about the sound of film noir, but today I want to focus on the look of film noir.

A Dame to Kill For

Because film noir has such a strong visual style associated with clear emotions, it provides inspiration to fashion designers, photographers & other artists to this day! This is why today, I would like to give you a list of film noir-inspired photo shoots that I have already posted about in the past!

  1. Style Noir, Vogue Italia (2009)Noirvember Day 9 - Style Noir
  2. Thinking of a Glamorous Time, Vogue Italia (2012)
    Noirvember Day 9 - Thinking of a Glamorous Time
  3. Killers Kill, Dead Men Die, Vanity Fair (2007)
    Noirvember Day 9 - Killer Kill, Dead Men Die

Do you think this list is missing some iconic film noir-inspired fashion photo shoot? Share your favourites in the comments!

Style Noir

Style Noir

A great photo shoot from September 2009 Vogue Italia. We have a classical and modern femme fatale. Blonde, brunette, redhead. Probably my second favourite photo shoot in this style.

Style Noir

Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir Style Noir

Model: Lara Stone
Photos: Paolo Roversi
Styling: Edward Enninful
Hair: Luigi Murenu
Make up: Aaron De Mey

Thinking of a Glamorous Time

Thinking of a Glamorous Time

This photo shoot by the incomparable Ellen Von Unwerth was published in Vogue Italia in April 2012. Kelly Mittenford looks like a young Jean Harlow – marvelous!

Sesja niezrównanej Ellen Von Unwerth ukazała się w magazynie Vogue Italia w kwietniu 2012. Kelly Mittenford wygląda w niej niczym młoda Jean Harlow – cudo! Continue reading